June 2020 Regent Exams Have Been Cancelled

June 2020 Regent Exams Have Been Cancelled

So what does this mean...

Yesterday, the New York State Department of Education (NYSED) announced that the June 2020 Regents Exams would be cancelled.  Today, the NYSED released guidance and frequently asked questions on what that means for our students.  Here are excerpts from that guidance and what that means for our students:

State Guidance on Regents Examination Exemptions: Students who during the June 2020 examination period would take one or more Regents Examinations shall be exempted from the requirements pertaining to passing such examinations in order to be issued a diploma. 

In order to qualify for the exemption, students must meet one of the following eligibility requirements: 

    State Guidance:  The student is currently enrolled in a course of study culminating in a Regents Examination and will have earned credit in such course of study by the end of the 2019-20 school year;
    What that Means at UAI Students:  
    • IF a student has to be enrolled in a course that ends in a Regent (e.g. Algebra, Global, USH etc.)  AND 
    • She passes the course (by doing all the required work teachers assign during online instruction!!), 
    • THEN she will have satisfied her graduation requirement for that exam.


    State Guidance:  The student is currently enrolled in a course of study culminating in a Regents Examination and has failed to earn credit by the end of the school year. Such student returns for summer instruction to make up the failed course credit and is subsequently granted diploma credit in August 2020;
    What that Means at UAI Students:  
    • IF a student is enrolled in a course that ends in a Regent, BUT 
    • she fails the course in June, BUT 
    • she comes to summer school and passes the course in the summer, 
    • THEN she will satisfy her graduation requirement for that exam in August 2020.


    State Guidance:  The student was previously enrolled in the course of study leading to an applicable Regents Examination, has achieved course credit, and has not yet passed the associated Regents Examination but was intending to take the test in June 2020 to achieve a passing score.
    • Schools can apply the “intended to take a Regents Examination” eligibility requirement under one of the following circumstances: 
      • the student informed the school that s/he wished to retake the examination; or 
      • the student was receiving academic intervention, supplemental instruction or tutoring of some kind in preparation to take the examination; or 
      • the student took the examination in June 2019, August 2019, or January 2020 in an attempt to pass or better his/her score.

What that Means at UAI Students:  

  • IF a student has already passed the course but NOT the required Regent exam, AND
  • she took the exam in June 2019, August 2019, or January 2020 (or tells Ms. Kiri she wanted to take it)
THEN she will satisfy her graduation requirement for that exam.